Peanut with
added value
Our production plants
Raw Peanut
First process that the peanut goes through, in which the shell is separated from the kernel after the cleaning and pre-cleaning stages, thus obtaining raw peanut. It is classified according to its feature and packaged with proper identification, ensuring the peanut traceability.
Part of the peanut obtained is traded. And the rest is sent to other plants to continue with other stages of industrialization.
Blanched Peanut
Stage of peeling off the peanut skin through heating processes that reduce humidity; and blanching that separates the reddish skin from the kernel, obtaining blanched peanut. Part of what is obtained is traded and the rest is used in the next stage of industrialization.
Processed Product
Final stage of peanut industrialization, in which each product has particular processing characteristics that make it possible to obtain products for mass consumption such as fried peanut, roasted peanut, peanut in-shell, peanup, actio, peanut paste and peanut butter, sugar coated peanut, chocolate coated peanut, among others. The products are packaged and conditioned for their proper commercialization.
Part of the peanut in shell that enters the industrial stage is processed through roasting tasks and packaged at the SAT Plant, obtaining roasted peanut in shell, a product ready for consumption.
Part of the legumes produced by the company, such as pisingallo corn, lentils, beans, chickpeas and white crushed corn, are also processed and packaged there.
Our certifications
Do you need to know more about our industrial processes? Contact us
Central administration and plant
Ruta Nacional Nº 158 Km 230 ½
General Cabrera – Córdoba – Argentina – X5809AHP
Tel/Fax: 54-358-4933500