Revision: 02
Date: 04/28/2021

Customer satisfaction survey

In order to optimize our processes, we kindly ask you to fill in and return this questionnaire. To know your level of satisfaction regarding our performance will provide a valuable tool to impove continuously our work.

1) How would you rate interlocutor's assistance?


Response Time

Telephone Assistance

2) How would you rate the following statements?

PRODEMAN complies with agreed contracts in due time and form

PRODEMAN sends trading documents requested within stipulated time

3) How would you rate the following aspects?

Delivery time

Correct invoice

Product quality

Quality and Presentation of Packaging

Condition of Transportation

4) If you have made a complaint, personnel look after your claim and give a suitable response in a due time and proper manner?

5) Do you consider that PRODEMAN complies with the required quality specifications?

6) ¿How would you rate the quality and food safety PRODEMAN products?

7) According to each specified parameter, choose your answer taking into account the compliance of specifications and requirements of the goods you receive:

Pesticide Residues

Foreign Bodies




Sensory Features

Microbiological Features


8) How would you rate the reliability level of our Company as a supplier?

9) If you consider list suggestions, comments or proposals:

Please, fill in the entire form before submitting it